Local Social Welfare and Care

FEDS actively exerts its own influence, calls on the public to pay attention to social issues, gathers multiple resources, gathers multiple resources, and attracts more love and care for women and children, children in rural areas, vulnerable groups and the elderly. Meanwhile, FEDS often holds agricultural products markets to care for local farmers, and practices “local production, local consumption” to support Taiwan’s agriculture.

Caring for Women and Children through Accessible Equality

In an effort to ensure disadvantaged women and children have a safe and healthy space for growth, FEDS has long amalgamated the power of the public by organizing activities and collecting materials to attract more love, care and protection for the rights and interests of women and children. At the same time, it has made more people aware of gender equality issues, eliminated gender violence and discrimination, and worked together towards a happy, beautiful, and equal life.

Care for Rural Areas and Embark on the Journey to Happiness

FEDS recognizes that many rural families are limited by various factors such as inconvenient transportation, economic conditions, and social environment, and often face challenges in their daily lives. It has become a long-term concern in Taiwan's social development. FEDS often conducts fundraising, sponsorship, donations, and other actions to provide better resources and care for more rural families and students. The Company entrenches itself into rural areas and give back to the local community, helping more rural families and keep the love going.

Caring for the Disadvantaged and Spreading Love

As a pandemic eases, the life of most families has resumed back to normal. However, a group of vulnerable individuals continues to live in unstable conditions. To care for the disadvantaged, FEDS ceaselessly delivers charity resources to corners of society in need and galvanizes charity resources through money and resource donations, fund-raising, etc. to support the vulnerable individuals. Besides, the Company also hope to attract the public and provide them with opportunities to contribute relentlessly to care and protect every member of the local community.

Caring for the Elderly and Promoting Happy Elderly Life

The aging population in Taiwan is steadily increasing, which is an inevitable trend of the times. FEDS endeavors to ensure that elderly individuals have both a healthy body and mind, as well as a good quality of life, while raising awareness of aging issues among the general public. To that end, FEDS actively collaborates with government agencies and charitable organizations, among other groups to organize a variety of activities for the elderly. Through these activities, the elderly are cared for while promoting the concept of active aging. The Company encourages seniors to participate in outdoor activities and engage with others, embrace a healthy and fulfilling life in their golden years, thereby realizing social inclusion and creating a harmonious and joyful atmosphere for all generations.

Support and Promote Local Farmers

FEDS frequently organizes agricultural product markets through its distribution channels to promote high-quality local agricultural products and support Taiwanese agriculture. In 2023, 56 agricultural product markets were held to promote a total of 3,721 agricultural products in hope to reduce the distance between farm and table, alleviate production and sales challenges, and encourage the idea of local production and consumption, thus fostering the sustainable development of Taiwanese agriculture.