Living Healthy
As a member of the local community, FEDS adheres to the spirit of deepening the community and helping close relatives and neighbors. We often takes advantage of continuous holidays or special festivals to promote diversified health activities such as blood donation, dance competitions, parent-child sports games, and baby crawling, advocating the atmosphere of sports, so that the public can have a more comfortable and healthy life. FEDS proactively leverages its influence to promote blood donation events, and amalgamates the power of the public to raise blood so as to create a vibrant and healthy society.
The Number of Blood Donation Activities in the Last 3 Years
Number of activities | Number of people responded | Blood Donation (CC) | |
2019 | 47 | 9,036 | 2,390,000 |
2020 | 46 | 9,850 | 2,462,500 |
2021 | 51 | 9,262 | 2,315,500 |
2022 | 74 | 13,805 | 3,446,650 |
2023 | 45 | 12,741 | 3,185,750 |
全國中等學校熱舞大賽 舞動青春
寶寶爬行比賽 健康動一動
應援馬拉松競賽 邁向健康社會
兒童運動會 健康有活力
「舞」力全開 第二屆喜i街舞大賽
新竹大遠百與新竹郵局等單位共同舉辦第二屆「遠百盃 喜i街舞大賽」,透過贊助活動,提供舞台讓喜愛跳舞的民眾盡情展現自我,2022年街舞大賽吸引近100人報名,每位參賽者個個使出渾身解數,舞出青春熱血,讓民眾近距離感受精彩絕倫的舞蹈魅力。
Highlights of FEDS’s Health and Happy Activities
Sponsored the National High School Dance Competition for Six Consecutive Years.
FEDS encourages young people to participate in dance and leisure activities and has been hosting the National High School Dance Competition for six consecutive years since 2018. In 2023, the competition was held at five stores, including FEDS XinYi A13 and Top City Taichung Store. FEDS sponsored NT$306,000 worth of gift vouchers as prizes. On top of motivating outstanding dancers to showcase their charm, boosting physical fitness, and cultivating sportsmanship spirit. Besides, the superb dance skills also caught the attention of the crowd present and won many rounds of applause.
Baby Crawling Competition Filled with Joy
Baby crawling competitions are extremely popular among local residents as these competitions can spur the overall development of children and strengthen the bond between parents and their children. To engage with the community, FEDS organized baby crawling competitions on a regular basis. In 2023, a total of 19 competitions were held across 6 stores. Through these simple and enjoyable competitions, children can develop a habit of exercise from a young age, while parents can also enjoy themselves, fostering a healthy and joyful family environment.
FEDS Street Dance Competition Exuding Youthful Vibrancy in every step
FEDS promotes a positive street dance culture by providing department store spaces to support the street dance movement. In October 2023, Hsinchu Store got together with four organizations such as the Hsinchu City Street Dance Association, Zhuguang Civil Sports Center, etc. to co-host the 3rd FEDS Cup Xi-i Street Dance Competition. The competition garnered talented dancers from all over Taiwan to exchange dance skills so as to attract nearly a hundred street dance enthusiasts. The dancers showcased the vibrant energy of street dance and highlighted Taiwan’s street dance culture.
Healthy State of Mind Carnival as We Progress Towards a Healthy Society
A healthy state of mind starts with a right psychology. On December 17, 2023, FEDS Hualien Store partnered with the Hualien County Health Bureau to organize the Healthy State of Mind Carnival – A Journey to Positive Spirit to get people to place stronger emphasis on mental health. The carnival featured 30 booths offering activities related to mental health and drug prevention, as well as obstacle games and outdoor movies night. Through diverse and engaging activities, members of public event gained understanding on emotions and had a heightened sense of importance of mental health, essentially fostering the protection of individual and collective mental well-being.