Green Consumption

FEDS is committed to practicing the “3 R, 3 E” principles of green consumption:
In 2022, we continued to carry out 8 major service actions to encourage customers to use their consumption power to change the world and reduce the impact of consumption behavior on the environment.



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Green consumption results

Environmentally friendly paper bags convey the concept of sustainability

In 2022, FEDS introduced a commemorative paper bag for its anniversary event with the design theme of "Environmental Sustainability and Nature Care". The paper bag is made of environmentally friendly kraft paper certified by SCS Global Services in the United States. It features illustrations of seven native Taiwanese plants, including bitterwood, yellow hibiscus, Taiwan date palm, tulip tree, royal poinciana, water caltrop, and white crane orchid. Through this environmentally educational design, we aim to express our commitment to environmental sustainability and invite customers to join us in creating a sustainable and beautiful life.